There are many small-to-medium non-profits doing incredible work to improve the lives of girls and young women. We seek to identify those groups and determine if we can make a difference in their mission. We invest in those we feel would be the most successful partnerships.

Girls Make Beats

Being from Motown, I love good music! Girls Make Beats teaches girls 8-17 how to become DJ’s, music producers and sound engineers. They learn on industry leading hardware and software and also obtain internships at recording studios. So, gimme a BEAT, girls!
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The Ladylike Foundation

The Ladylike Foundation empowers and inspires girls and young women to reach their fullest potential. Through cutting-edge resource programs, workshops, mentorships and life lessons, young ladies are challenged to set goals and become the successful, well-rounded “Lady” they were created to be.
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Children at Risk

We had a very emotional and powerful discussion with an audience of young women on the campus of Texas Southern University about the dangers of human trafficking in the Houston area. We partnered with ‘Children at Risk’ because they strive to improve the quality of life for children through strategic research, public policy analysis, education, collaboration and advocacy. Sponsored by Ford Fund.
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Thistle Farms

Women who have survived trafficking, prostitution and addiction deserve a second chance at life. And, that is exactly what Thistle Farms gives women. This two-year residential program provides housing, food, healthcare, therapy and education without charging residents. They also make beautiful candles and bath products which benefit the women survivors. Sponsored by Ford Fund.
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Strong Women, Strong Girls

When girls have a strong female role model in their life, it helps them see their own potential. That’s why I love Strong Women, Strong Girls. They champion the aspirations and potential of girls and women by connecting three generations through mentorship. Their innovative programs bolster the confidence and skills of those they serve.

BeLoved Atlanta

Atlanta ranks as one of the cities with the highest income generated from the sex industry. Beloved Atlanta is a residential home and program for women affected by sexual exploitation. They instill in each woman that she is loved, gifted, valued and trustworthy. Most of all, she learns that she is not a criminal – that she is a survivor. Sponsored by Ford Fund.
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Red Carpet Correspondent

I have spent most of my career in front of the camera reporting from the biggest events in Hollywood. I thought it would be a wonderful idea to give a young girl the chance to have the same experience. Introducing the S.H.A.U.N. Foundation for Girls Red Carpet Correspondent! She is 10-year-old Stone Love Edwards and she has covered some exciting events including a Disney movie premiere! Though this initiative, Stone has learned how to be a good journalist, come up with smart questions and gain self-confidence!
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We had an incredible Human Trafficking event in Los Angeles with our partner, Saving Innocence. Not only does this nonprofit work to prevent the exploitation of at-risk youth but, they also give after-care to victims and empower survivors to take control of their lives. Our initiative included an audience of girls and young women and was called, “The Empowered Girl: How NOT to be a Victim of Human Trafficking”. Sponsored by Ford Fund.

Healthy Girls Save the World

We are proud to announce that Healthy Girls Save the World is our new grantee. This dynamic nonprofit believes that beauty is more than skin deep. HGSW teaches girls to live healthy lifestyle habits – not only eating right and exercising but, also having a good attitude and how to set boundaries in a relationship. They inspire girls to be joyful, confident and empowered!
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Techbridge Girls

We are so excited to support Techbridge Girls – a nonprofit that inspires girls to discover a passion for technology, science and engineering. Through hands-on learning, they empower the next generation of innovators and leaders.
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Girl Up

We love the mission of Girl Up – Uniting Girls to Change the World. As the United Nations Foundation’s adolescent girl campaign, Girl Up engages young women to take action to see that girls around the world are educated, healthy and safe,
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Alternatives for Girls

The S.H.A.U.N. Foundation for Girls is very pleased to announced our first grantee: Alternatives for Girls based in Detroit, Michigan. One of the missions of AFG is to rescue girls and young women from human trafficking which has become a billion-dollar business. We held a panel discussion called, The Empowered Girl: How NOT to be a Victim of Human Trafficking. Sponsored by Ford Fund.
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Girls Health Ed

We are excited to partner with Girls Health Ed because they really transform how girls see themselves. Their mission is to advance gender equality for adolescent girls and young women through comprehensive health and sexuality education. Check out their great work!

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