The S.H.A.U.N. Foundation for Girls is a grant-making, 501(c)(3) dedicated to improving the quality of life for underserved and underrepresented girls and young women. We support small-to-medium sized nonprofits across the country that are empowering girls in the key areas of our mission: (S)TEM, (H)EALTH, (A)RTS, (U)NITY and (N)EIGHBORHOODS.
Our Grants
Our most important relationships are those with our grantees and we pledge to have open and clear communication with them. We want to have a definitive strategy regarding how our grants will help a charity further their mission and have the most impact. The foundation does not make grants directly to individuals.

Our Donors
This foundation could not be successful without YOU! Thank you for supporting our mission to help girls and young women thrive and reach their fullest potential. Any amount you give allows us to impact a girl’s life in meaningful ways.